On Monday, March 18th The Trek Store of Independence is holding a fundraiser for Earth Riders Trail Association, Inc. ERTA is a recreational trails advocacy group whose mission is to increase the quantity and quality of sustainable single-track trails throughout the Midwest.
Gary Fisher, mountain bike inventor and off-road pioneer will be in town taking part in the day’s activities. To kick off the day’s events a morning bike ride with Fisher is planned. It will be a leisurely paced ride so participants can talk with Gary as they ride through Eastern Jackson County. Gary will also be at the Trek Store of Independence for a meet and greet from 7pm-9pm. The Trek Store of Independence is providing refreshments during the evening event.
To purchase your tickets and reserve your space and pint glass click HERE.
[googlemap src=”http://maps.google.com/maps?rlz=1C1TSNO_enUS499US499&q=18675+E+39th+Street+South+Independence,+MO&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hq=&hnear=0x87c11d19560d27f1:0xed2ed4f3488ab9af,18675+E+39th+St+S,+Independence,+MO+64057&gl=us&sa=X&ei=qOQ7UYWpNOqP0QHX54GYBA&ved=0CDAQ8gEwAA” ]
For more information about ERTA visit the links below: