We are excited to announce a new member to our team. Vance Preman has joined Prologue Cycling Magazine as our legal columnist. Vance is a bicyclist and personal injury lawyer with 38 years of experience. He is very active in cycling advocacy, education, and sponsorship. He is also a member of Bikelaw, a nationwide network of bicycling lawyers. He understands the needs of cyclists and has helped many cyclists with their cases. Vance has practices in Kansas and Missouri and will be contributing articles covering many aspects of bicycle law including offering tips on how to protect yourself legally when out on your bike.
For more information about Vance Preman or if you need legal assistance please visit his website at VanceBikeLawyer.com
If you have a specific question about cycling related legal issues for our Q&A segments with Vance, please send an email to Vance at vpremanlaw@aol.com and we might feature you question in an upcoming article.
Bike Law & Prologue Cyling have joined forces…AWESOME!!!